Pyatigorsk State University PSU
Name | Pyatigorsk State University |
Abbreviation | PSU |
Organization Type | School |
Website | |
Contact Name | Aleksandr Pavlovich Gorbunov |
Contact Title | Rector |
Contact Phone | (8793) 400-000 |
Address | (8793) 400-000 |
City | Pyatigorsk |
Country | Shirikisho la Urusi |
Description | In PSU, more than 100 scientific areas are developed, 66 of which are effective. 18 of them belong to linguistics and literature studies, 20 of them belong to social sciences, 4 of them natural scientific. Besides, there are 3 complex directions, which are worked out by different subdivisions of the university under direction of leading scientists. |
Admission Criteria |
Does not have admission criteria (or not applicable).
Training |
Does not offer training.
Credential |
Offers credential(s).