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Matini asilia - Kiingereza 1.0 Mission Statement
Save Planet Earth (SPE) is a global initiative dedicated to developing an array of different
programs to combat global warming and climate change. This includes developing realistic
carbon sequestration targets to slow and eventually reverse the effects of global warming,
employing a variety of activities including afforestation, reforestation, and enhanced marine
climate management. This will be achieved utilizing enhanced public interest and innovative
financing mechanisms. Furthermore, taking advantage of the instantly accessible aspects of
blockchain technology, we plan to offer the Save Planet Earth token ($SPE) directly to investors
creating a Carbon Credit Index, which will then be certified and open $SPE as an investment
for companies and individuals to offset their carbon footprint via sequestration.
The vision of Save Planet Earth is to offer simple, affordable and effective mechanisms to
enhance carbon sequestration and institute effective emission control systems so that global
warming and climate change can be kept at manageable levels, empowered by a variety of
different climate conservation processes.
Long term vision: Supporting activities to avert Global Warming, Expand Efforts in Carbon
Sequestration and global adoption of $SPE.
The effects of global warming have rapidly emerged with noticeable devastation including
disappearing glaciers, rising ocean levels, increasing ocean acidity, and rapidly elevating
carbon dioxide levels. The ‘Polluter Should Pay’ principle has become ineffective and quite
sadly, the breach of the natural environment continues with commercial interests almost
always on top. This dire situation can only be reversed by implementing activities to support
afforestation, reforestation and conservation.
Carbon sequestration or ‘naturally capturing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂) back to
Mother Earth to slow or reverse atmospheric CO₂ pollution and to mitigate or reverse global
warming’, offers a new hope: Trees, corals and other natural structures sequester carbon
all the time. However, over the past humanity has destroyed many of these ecosystems
and the rate of destruction has rapidly increased during the last century. Carbon
sequestration projects need to be initiated now. These cannot just be some vague future
‘plan’ anymore.
Adequate financing and support will unquestionably play its part to support the carbon
sequestration processes. People all over the world are searching for new ways to
contribute to carbon sequestration, slow the ongoing process of climate change, and
improve conservation efforts. However, these have primarily been left in the hands of large
bureaucratic institutions and governments, which despite copious amounts of taxpayer
money have little to show for all the spending.
The environment is not a thing to be left at the behest of the donor community and it
certainly cannot be left to beg for its own survival. We must seek to institute, for our own
survival and that of our children, proactive methods to sustain the natural environment.
Current carbon-based revenue systems and taxes on polluters must be strengthened and
adapted to the 21st century.
The need for innovative financing schemes seems to have found its niche in the burgeoning
cryptocurrency market that provides the ability of both institutional and private investors to
make wholesome investments as they aspire to be stakeholders in the fight against global
warming. It is this framework of innovative financing and our capacity to achieve grassroots level action that inspired us to utilize block chain technology in our fight against the
devastating effects of climate change.
Tafsiri - Kiswahili 1.0 Taarifa ya Ujumbe
Hifadhi ya Sayari ya Dunia (SPE) ni mpango wa ulimwengu uliojitolea kukuza safu ya anuwai
mipango ya kupambana na ongezeko la joto duniani na mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa. Hii ni pamoja na kukuza ukweli
malengo ya uporaji wa kaboni kupunguza na mwishowe kurudisha nyuma athari za ongezeko la joto duniani,
kuajiri shughuli anuwai ikiwa ni pamoja na upandaji miti, upandaji miti, na kuimarishwa baharini
usimamizi wa hali ya hewa. Hii itafanikiwa kwa kutumia maslahi ya umma yaliyoimarishwa na ubunifu
mifumo ya fedha. Kwa kuongezea, kutumia fursa zinazopatikana mara moja za
teknolojia ya blockchain, tunapanga kutoa ishara ya Hifadhi ya Sayari ya Dunia ($ SPE) moja kwa moja kwa wawekezaji
kuunda Kielelezo cha Mkopo wa Carbon, ambacho kitathibitishwa na kufungua $ SPE kama uwekezaji
kwa kampuni na watu binafsi kukabiliana na nyayo zao za kaboni kupitia ufuatiliaji.
Maono ya Sayari ya Kuokoa ni kutoa njia rahisi, za bei rahisi na nzuri kwa
kuongeza uchukuaji wa kaboni na kuanzisha mifumo bora ya kudhibiti chafu ili iwe ya ulimwengu
ongezeko la joto na mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa yanaweza kuwekwa katika viwango vinavyoweza kudhibitiwa, na kuwezeshwa na anuwai ya
michakato tofauti ya uhifadhi wa hali ya hewa.
Maono ya muda mrefu: Kusaidia shughuli za kukwepa Joto Ulimwenguni, Panua Jitihada katika Utaftaji wa Carbon
na kupitishwa kwa $ SPE ulimwenguni.
Athari za ongezeko la joto ulimwenguni zimeibuka haraka na uharibifu unaoonekana pamoja
kutoweka kwa barafu, kuongezeka kwa viwango vya bahari, kuongezeka kwa asidi ya bahari, na kuinua haraka
viwango vya dioksidi kaboni. Kanuni ya 'Mchafu Anapaswa Kulipa' imekuwa isiyofaa na kabisa
cha kusikitisha, uvunjaji wa mazingira ya asili unaendelea na masilahi ya kibiashara karibu
daima juu. Hali hii mbaya inaweza kubadilishwa tu kwa kutekeleza shughuli za kusaidia
upandaji miti, upandaji miti na uhifadhi.
Utekwaji wa kaboni au 'kukamata asili dioksidi kaboni (CO₂) kwa asili
Mama Duniani kupunguza au kubadilisha uchafuzi wa anga wa CO₂ na kupunguza au kubadilisha ulimwengu
ongezeko la joto ’, inatoa tumaini jipya: Miti, matumbawe na miundo mingine ya asili hutengeneza kaboni
kila wakati. Walakini, kwa wakati uliopita ubinadamu umeharibu mifumo mingi ya ikolojia
na kiwango cha uharibifu kimeongezeka haraka wakati wa karne iliyopita. Kaboni
miradi ya ufuatiliaji inahitaji kuanza sasa. Hizi haziwezi tu kuwa siku zijazo zisizo wazi
‘Panga’ tena.
Fedha za kutosha na msaada bila shaka utatimiza sehemu yake kusaidia kaboni
michakato ya ufuatiliaji. Watu kote ulimwenguni wanatafuta njia mpya za
kuchangia ubatilishaji wa kaboni, kupunguza kasi ya mchakato unaoendelea wa mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa, na
kuboresha juhudi za uhifadhi. Walakini, hizi kimsingi zimeachwa mikononi mwa kubwa
taasisi za serikali na serikali, ambazo licha ya idadi kubwa ya walipa kodi
pesa zina kidogo ya kuonyesha kwa matumizi yote.
Mazingira sio jambo la kuachwa kwa amri ya jamii ya wafadhili na hilo
hakika haiwezi kuachwa iombe uhai wake. Lazima tutafute kuanzisha, kwa ajili yetu wenyewe
kuishi na ile ya watoto wetu, njia bora za kudumisha mazingira ya asili.
Mifumo na ushuru wa sasa unaotegemea kaboni lazima uimarishwe na
ilichukuliwa na karne ya 21.
Uhitaji wa miradi ya ubunifu ya fedha inaonekana kuwa imepata nafasi yake katika kuongezeka
soko la sarafu la sarafu ambalo hutoa uwezo wa wawekezaji wa taasisi na wa kibinafsi kwa
hufanya uwekezaji mzuri kwani wanatamani kuwa washiriki katika mapambano dhidi ya ulimwengu
ongezeko la joto. Ni mfumo huu wa ufadhili mpya na uwezo wetu wa kufikia msingi
hatua ya kiwango ambayo ilituhamasisha kutumia teknolojia ya kuzuia mnyororo katika vita vyetu dhidi ya
athari mbaya za mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa.
Elimu ya Tafsiri
Graduate diploma - Lugari Diploma Teachers
Miaka ya tajiriba ya tafsiri: 4. Umesajiliwa katika Dec 2022. Kuwa mwanachama: Oct 2023.