solicitation of referrals изискване на референции

Language pair:inglês para búlgaro
Definition / notes:Language variant: молба за предоставяне на референции

[управление на процесите по] изискване на референции [от настоящи клиенти с цел набирането на нови такива]


Let me expand upon the marketing process. The active solicitation of referrals is the most cost effective way of acquiring a list of prospects. However, just asking the customer for five prospects puts a lot of pressure upon your customer to come up with the names of prospective accounts. Also, they may give you the names of accounts that you can't write or don't wish to insure.


solicitation = 1. Management, transaction, or pursuit of business, legal affairs, etc. Obs.
1492 Acta Dom. Concilii 250/1 Þe Soume of fiftj merkis+auch to him+for solistatioun of thar errandis þe tyme he wes alderman of þe said toun. 1529 in Burnet Hist. Ref. i. ii. Rec. xxii. (1679) 54 So as ye may be sure to have of him effectual concurrence and advice in the furtherance and sollicitation of your Charges. 1642 Harcourt in Macm. Mag. XLV. 289, I presume you are now very bussee in the solissitation of my law bussines. 1722 in Westm. Gaz. (1906) 27 Aug. 2/3 To undertake the Sollicitation and Management of any Affairs which may come before either House.

2. The action of soliciting, or seeking to obtain by earnest request; entreaty, petition, diligent or importunate asking.
a 1533 Bellenden Livy i. xv. (S.T.S.) I. 82 Numa havand na cognossance of Rome,+was chosin but ony his solistacioun, and maid king. 1561 Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 160 To the effect oure Soverane Lady be nocht molestit with importunite, solistatioun, and requeist. 1637–50 Row Hist. Kirk (Wodrow Soc.) 221 He was upon great moyen and solistation inlarged, but verie shortlie after he departed this life.
b 1533 Bellenden Livy v. vi. (S.T.S.) II. 167 Þai þat war movit be requiest or sollicitatioun of tribunys militare. 1588 Lambarde Eiren. iv. vii. 514 At the sollicitation and by the meanes of some parties grieued. 1622 Williams in Fortescue P. (Camden) 173 By the sollicitacion of Sir Edw. Cooke I forbore+to doe any thing herein. 1697 Luttrell Brief Relat. (1857) IV. 296 Great sollicitation has been used for the two latter to change their sentence from death to transportation. 1751 Johnson Rambler No. 160 32 [Patrons] are sometimes corrupted by Avarice, and sometimes cheated by Credulity, sometimes overpowered by resistless Solicitation. 1780 Mirror No. 71, After two years solicitation+Antonio gave up all hopes of success. 1836 Sir H. Taylor Statesman xxiii. 167 A spirit of justice, ears shut against private solicitation, ought to be regarded as essential qualifications+for the office of private secretary. 1883 Law Rep. 23 Chanc. Div. 722 At her solicitation the trustee lent the fund to the husband and it was lost.
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