videos » 2012 Virtual Event videos » 2012 memoQ virtual event - Any project, any language, just faster and better, or how single-language vendors can introduce the memoQ server technology as their main technology

Posted by Sales Admin on May 16, 2012 0 views

Among translation companies, single language vendors (SLV) work typically with multilingual vendors or translation end-users.

Differentiation for SLVs is increasingly hard. There is a price pressure both on the customer side and the translator side, and multilingual vendors often prepare the project to minimize the costs. The way to be more competitive is through productivity, faster turnaround times and better consistency.

The memoQ server is the tool of choice for many SLVs. They have found ways to deliver difficult projects that others are not able to, and they can deliver these projects in most file formats, even if the customers use other tools. Interoperability is the key to delivery, and the leveraging tools in memoQ are key to productivity.

This session demonstrates how single language vendors can use the memoQ server to become more productive, and, as a result, more profitable.

Language: английский