Translation glossary: Aceavila Glossary

Showing entries 401-450 of 662
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not to have a dime between themestar sin un duro / completamente pelados 
English to Spanish
not-to-be-missedvisita obligada 
English to Spanish
nota media de asignaturas superadas ponderadaweighted average mark for exams/exam subjects passed 
English to Spanish
notas reales (Música)real notes (Music) 
Spanish to English
novelty recordingsgrabaciones de curiosidades 
English to Spanish
nuagespeech bubble (non-specialist) / word balloon (specialist and non-specialist) 
French to English
nuestro compromiso radica en..our commitment is to (listen and understand) 
Spanish to English
O sealike (used as filler) 
Spanish to English
off into the ether.”"(allí) a la estratosfera" 
English to Spanish
Off the turnpikeque sale de la autopista de peaje 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
Oficial de 1ª/2ª, trabajadores en taller de reparación (España)Maestro de 1ª/2ª, trabajadores en taller de reparación (Chile) 
on the battered bucksobre el dólar machacado / el maltrecho dólar 
English to Spanish
on top of developingademás de desarrollar 
English to Spanish
on track(bien) encaminados 
English to Spanish
or else!o muere/o atente a las consecuencias! 
English to Spanish
Orally disintegrating tabletscomprimidos bucodispersables / de dispersión oral 
English to Spanish
orfebrería civilsecular precious metalwork 
Spanish to English
ostras 'cuatro ceros'Size 1 (Belon) oysters / 0000 (large) (Belon) oysters 
Spanish to English
over subscribedsobredemandado 
English to Spanish
over the warehouse floordan al interior del almacén 
English to Spanish
over-embellishmentdiseño recargado (de adornos) 
English to Spanish
over-reportexagerar / ofrecer una constancia exagerada de 
English to Spanish
oyster parlourostrería 
English to Spanish
pago a XX días(settlement of account) within XX days 
Spanish to English
pago desacopladodecoupled payment 
Spanish to English
paint his way right the hell out of all of thatsaldría de todo eso a (base/golpe de) brochazos 
English to Spanish
pantaloncitoshorts/shorts-style bikini bottom/boy shorts (US) 
Spanish to English
PantaloneroPull-out trouser hanger / rack / organiser 
Spanish to English
Pardon our dustDisculpen las molestias 
English to Spanish
paro (no de trabajadores)/medida de hechopicket/protest action 
Spanish to English
participaciones indivisaspro indiviso shares 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Passing through totraspasar/trasladar 
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
patatas foliowafer potatoes 
Spanish to English
patient is off growth chartsel paciente sale de / no está dentro de los percentiles de/para crecimiento 
English to Spanish
peached facetacto melocotón / tejido melocotón 
English to Spanish
peanespaeans / hymns of praise 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
pelican wounding its own breast to feed its youngpelícano hiriéndose su propio pecho para alimentar a sus polluelos 
English to Spanish
Per referenceper item 
Perito(claims/insurance) adjuster / appraiser ALSO expert witness 
Spanish to English
Perito(claims/insurance) adjuster / appraiser ALSO expert witness 
Spanish to English
pescado movidofish (which is) bought and sold 
Spanish to English
picklingsal para encurtidos 
English to Spanish
Pieced or appliquéd quilt toptop de colcha de telas unidas o top (de colcha) con aplicaciones 
English to Spanish
pionerospioneers/at the forefront of 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
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