Translation glossary: Balans NL > EN

Showing entries 1-50 of 72
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Dutch to English
Dutch to English
autokostenvehicle costs 
Dutch to English
bankkostenbank service charges 
Dutch to English
bedrijfsopbrengstencorporate earnings 
Dutch to English
belasting en taksentaxes and charges 
Dutch to English
beroepsverenigingenprofessional organisations 
Dutch to English
beschikbare reservedisposable reserve 
Dutch to English
boekjaarbusiness year 
Dutch to English
Dutch to English
Dutch to English
brutowinst / brutoverliesgross earnings / gross loss 
Dutch to English
buffetkostensubsistence costs 
Dutch to English
bureelbenodigdhedenoffice supplies 
Dutch to English
Dutch to English
commissies aan derdencommissions to third parties 
Dutch to English
diverse kleine kostenvarious minor expenses 
Dutch to English
doorgerekende kostenexpenses passed on 
Dutch to English
drukwerkprinted matter 
Dutch to English
echt verklaard en goedgekeurdcertified true and approved 
Dutch to English
erelonen(consultant) fees 
Dutch to English
exploitatierekeningtrading account 
Dutch to English
gemeentelijke taksenmunicipal taxes 
Dutch to English
geplaatst kapitaalinvested capital 
Dutch to English
geraamde belastingenestimated amount of taxes 
Dutch to English
gestorte voorheffinginput tax paid 
Dutch to English
gezien voor wettingverified for actual authenticity 
Dutch to English
huur gebouwenlease of buildings 
Dutch to English
ind. nr.category no. 
Dutch to English
individuele rekeningen klantenindividual customers' accounts 
Dutch to English
individuele rekeningen leveranciersindividual suppliers' accounts 
Dutch to English
inrichting burelenoffice equipment 
Dutch to English
Dutch to English
intern compensatiefondsinternal compensation fund 
Dutch to English
jaarrekeningannual statement 
Dutch to English
kascash in hand 
Dutch to English
koersverschillen herwaardeerdvariations in exchange rates revalued 
Dutch to English
koersverschillen vreemde valutavariations in exchange rates 
Dutch to English
korting contante betalingdiscount for cash payment 
Dutch to English
machines en materieelmachines and material 
Dutch to English
Dutch to English
nettowinst / nettoverliesnet earnings / net loss 
Dutch to English
niet terugvorderbare BTWnon-reclaimable VAT 
Dutch to English
Dutch to English
Dutch to English
over te dragen kostencosts to be brought forward 
Dutch to English
overgedragen verliesloss brought forward 
Dutch to English
Dutch to English
provinciale taksenprovincial taxes 
Dutch to English
Dutch to English
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