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Search results: (228 matches)
Arabic لماذا نستعمل العامية حتى في مواقع النت مع المحترفين عادات وتقاليد أعتقد أن الغالبية تستعملها
لأن ذلك ما اعتادوا عليه.
بخصوص المترجمين، فالأمر
مشابه. لا يبدو لي أن كون
Ali Alsaqqa Aug 16, 2015
Trados support Adding files to a return package Looks like Looks like that is true, so I have nothing to do
here. Thanks anyway.
Ali Alsaqqa Jun 30, 2015
Trados support Adding files to a return package Hi, I am using SDL Trados 2014, and received a
package from a client, containing one file. Later,
the client sent me two more files in native format
(.docx). After adding the two new
Ali Alsaqqa Jun 28, 2015
Arabic بخصوص امتحان ATA من اللغة العربية إلى الانجليزية Thanks, Alaa Thank you. I guess the medical does not look too
bad for me now. And I will take your advice and
will take the practice test, some time later.
Ali Alsaqqa May 7, 2014
Arabic بخصوص امتحان ATA من اللغة العربية إلى الانجليزية Thanks, Tim Tim, Thanks a lot for your comprehensive reply,
I really appreciate it! I think I am going to
re-consider taking the exam
again! Regards, Ali
Ali Alsaqqa May 7, 2014
Arabic بخصوص امتحان ATA من اللغة العربية إلى الانجليزية لن أتقدم للاختبار قررت عدم التقدم للاختبار
لانه يجمع التخصص التقنية مع
الطبي في باع واحد، يعني أنك
قد تصادف قطعة ترجمة طب�
Ali Alsaqqa May 7, 2014
Arabic مشروع المصطلحات الخاصة بالنمظمة العربية للترجمة السلام عليكم، أثناء تصفحي
للشبكة العنكبوتية، عثرت
على هذا القاموس الجيد
والمحتوي على العديد من
Ali Alsaqqa May 3, 2014
Arabic بخصوص امتحان ATA من اللغة العربية إلى الانجليزية الزملاء الأفاضل، السلام
عليكم أفكر ملياً في
امتحان ATA الخاص بالترجمة من
اللغة العربية إلى اللغة
Ali Alsaqqa Mar 2, 2014
Arabic مبارك للزميلة نورا طويل مبارك أنا أيضاً رأيت المسابقة لكن
لا تستهويني تلك المواضيع
الأدبية مبارك لزميلتنا
Ali Alsaqqa Mar 2, 2014
Arabic من مشكلات توطين الترجمة أرفض من البداية بالنسبة لي، أرفض أي ترجمة
تتعارض مع مبادئي من
البداية...أما لو فرضنا أنك
لم تكوني تعلمين إلا بعد
Ali Alsaqqa Oct 23, 2013
KudoZ The Kudoz semi-gangs A member of the English -> Arabic community As a paid-member of the English -> Arabic
community, I would like to share my personal
opinion. I have joined proz late 2009, and
since then started making my way through the Kudoz
Ali Alsaqqa Oct 23, 2013
Arabic أفضل القواميس المتوفرة على شبكة النترنت قاموس المعاني أستخدمه بشكل كبير أيضا
قاموس جووجل أحياناً (ركز
على أحياناً) يكون
جيداً وهناك القواميس
الورقية، أ�
Ali Alsaqqa Aug 31, 2013
Arabic تحويل اجور الترجمة الى حسابك او بطاقة الائتمان؟ في السابق استخدمت خدمة moneybookers لكن
قبل سنة تقريباً أصبحوا
يطلبون مطالب كثيرة للإبقاء
على حسابك لذلك تخلين عن
Ali Alsaqqa Aug 25, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever regretted telling a customer your mobile telephone number? Yes An oversees "new" client called me at 3:00 AM for
over 20 minutes discussing a project, and a week
later he chose another translator and we never had
business again.

[Edited at 2013
Ali Alsaqqa Aug 22, 2013
Arabic How best to practice Arabic Arabic Series in MSA How about watching an Arabic series spoken in
Modern Standard Arabic? What if it comes with
English subtitles? Even more, the topic is
quite ineresting (Omer Ibn Al-Khattab
Ali Alsaqqa Apr 9, 2013
Arabic مبروك للزميل عبد الله علي مبارك ألف مبارك أستاذ
عبدالله تمنياتي لك بمزيد
من التقدم والنجاح
Ali Alsaqqa Mar 2, 2013
Arabic هل انتبهتم إلى مسابقة بروز الجديدة لم أنتبه ولكن لو أن مواضيع المسابقة تكون
تقنية لكان أفضل بالنسبة
لي. تحياتي
Ali Alsaqqa Jan 3, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you save your files to an external medium (CD, external hard drive, USB, etc.) ? Once every 6 months or so. I think this is enough for me. And I do it in the
cloud - using Google Drive.
Ali Alsaqqa Dec 20, 2012
Trados support Severe bug: The context list is null. Could not get the last child. Same problem here. Any direct solution other than working with
Ali Alsaqqa Dec 17, 2012
Lighter side of trans/interp Technology for the wrinklies :) That was too funny, thanks! Ali Alsaqqa Nov 28, 2012
Machine Translation (MT) How long will human translation last? Interesting. [quote]Sergei Tumanov wrote: qte someone
was saying "machine translations are getting quite
good now". uqte I'd rather say that
technical writing is getting quite poor
Ali Alsaqqa Nov 26, 2012
Money matters Ethical dilemma - feedback needed I have done that before I have refused texts that promotes: * Tobacco
* Alcohol * Violence (Video Games) * Cosmetic
Surgeries So if I am offered this Nuclear
Energy text, and it is promoting the idea,
Ali Alsaqqa Nov 22, 2012
Trados support Studio 2011: Failed to "save target as" .inx file with a given .txml data No [quote]Verena Weber wrote: Hi, To generate
target file for check and preview you need to
have installed Indesign on your machine.
Otherwise, Studio 2011 supports a side by side
Ali Alsaqqa Nov 3, 2012
Trados support Studio 2011: Failed to "save target as" .inx file with a given .txml data Yes [quote]Clarisa Moraña wrote: I though that a
file txml was a Wordfast format? Perhaps you meant
"xml". I'm not sure if it is possible to save
the Studio file in its original format
Ali Alsaqqa Nov 3, 2012
Trados support Studio 2011: Failed to "save target as" .inx file with a given .txml data Hi, Sorry for all my questions. In Trados
Studio, the client sent me file.inx.ttx along with
.ini file called "TXML". Now I translate it and
want to save target as, choose second
Ali Alsaqqa Nov 3, 2012
Trados support After adding a new file, "No Tasks Available" !! Yes !! [quote]Sam Pinson wrote: I've hit this before.
You can only run batch tasks in an active project.
[/quote] Stupid I. Yes that solved it, many
many thanks!
Ali Alsaqqa Nov 1, 2012
Trados support After adding a new file, "No Tasks Available" !! Hello, So in studio, I have an already created
project with a number of old files. Now I
switch to source language, add new file. Next step
is right click, batch tasks and...No Tasks
Ali Alsaqqa Nov 1, 2012
Smart shoppers New desktop computer: Windows 32 bit or 64 bit? Everything... fine. Including: (not an exhaustive
list!) SDL Trados 2011 Office 2007 Adobe
Acrobat Nitro PDF Professional Every kind of
browsers skype winrar MemoQ v.5 Do you st
Ali Alsaqqa Oct 31, 2012
Arabic تدريب ترادوس المبلغ كبير لا أنصحك أبدًا فالمبلغ كبير
جدًا لو كنت مكانك ما كنت
لادفع أكثر من 30 دولار
أمريكي على أي دورة من هذا
Ali Alsaqqa Oct 20, 2012
Trados support Update project translation memories problem Great! Thanks a lot! Ali Alsaqqa Oct 10, 2012
Trados support Update project translation memories problem Hi, I have the following scenario using trados
studio: 1) create new project (call it
test_101) 2) in the wizard, import a .sdlxiff
file that has all of its segments in "translated"
Ali Alsaqqa Oct 10, 2012
Trados support Negative percentage number in translation progress (Trados Studio 2009 SP3) Anything new? I have the same issue. Any help? Ali Alsaqqa Oct 2, 2012
Money matters Payoneer payment system ؟ Haven't anyone tried this system yet? Ali Alsaqqa Jul 28, 2012
Translation news Half a million pages of Middle Eastern history headed to digital form Very Good I believe this is a major step towards a
comprehensive campaign for digitizing Arabic
Ali Alsaqqa Jul 26, 2012
Trados support Urgent, Studio 2009: cannot write the target file! Not exactly sure but... if you want, send me the file via email and I will
Ali Alsaqqa Jul 15, 2012
Business issues ProZ job offer which never came through Almost same here [quote]Tom in London wrote: Hi Laurence I
have never, ever, received a reply from anyone for
any Proz jobs for which I have quoted. I gave up
doing this a long time ago. My impressio
Ali Alsaqqa Jul 5, 2012 Translation Contests When does the next translation contest start? It's a pity. We are almost in July 2012 and nothing new yet !! Ali Alsaqqa Jun 30, 2012
Arabic Do you think this is wrong or correct translation? I am not able to understand the source! Are you sure about this? The Arabic itself seems
weak for me.

[Edited at 2012-06-29 13:53
Ali Alsaqqa Jun 29, 2012
Arabic كلمة "سوداء" الملحقة بالمثنى سوداوان انظر
-37517.html (الموضوع طويل،
يمكنك البحث عن كلمة سوداوان
لاختصار الوقت)
Ali Alsaqqa Jun 22, 2012
Marketing for language professionals My new website - feedback needed One comment The home page is not in English...OK, I know
there's a clear "English" link, but in my opinion
it is better to have an English home page...
Ali Alsaqqa Jun 22, 2012
Arabic مشكلة التحقق من العنوان في موني بوكرز عن طريق البنك [quote]Sam21 wrote: بالفعل لدي نفس
المشكلة وراسلتهم ولم
يفعلوا شيئًا. حسابي غير
مفعل ولم يتم التحقق رغم
Ali Alsaqqa Jun 11, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you waiting for a breakthrough in your career as a translator/interpreter? ... [quote]David Wright wrote: At my age it would
be a little late. I am happy as things are!
[/quote] It is never too late.
Ali Alsaqqa Jun 1, 2012
Software applications Email management - Gmail/Outlook/both? Trust Me !! Dear Pauliina Kauppila, I have used the
following: Email Accounts: Gmail, Hotmail &
Yahoo. Email client: Outlook and Thunderbird.
Email Backup: dropmysite Bottom line: I now
Ali Alsaqqa May 31, 2012
Arabic ادارة مكتب ترجمة برنامج TO3000 هذا البرنامج متخصص في
التعامل مع مكاتب الترجمة
وما يتعلق بها لكنه بمقابل
Ali Alsaqqa May 28, 2012
Arabic Transliteration of Chemical compounds أوافقك الرأي أنا أرى أنه إن كان لابد أن
يبقى جزء من اسم المصطلح
باللغة الانجليزية، فالأول
أن يترك اسم المصطلح كما هو،
Ali Alsaqqa Apr 29, 2012
Arabic هل أستفسر عن إنخفاض عدد الوثائق االتي إعتدت إن ترد إلي لترجمتها؟ بالطبع تحية طيبة، بالطبع يمكنك
سؤالهم لا تشر أبدًا إلى
موضوع جودة الترجمة، فهذا
سيعطيهم إنطباعًا أنك لا تث�
Ali Alsaqqa Mar 1, 2012
Arabic عندما يدخل معجم بروز ترجمة خاطئة كارثية ملاحظة جانبية [quote]Said Abouharia wrote: [quote]Ammar
Mahmood wrote: حقيقةً أستغرب عدم
استجابة الموديريتور على
الأسئلة والملاحظات التي
Ali Alsaqqa Feb 16, 2012
Trados support changing target language of a .TTX file Thanks again I hope so! If I face any problems I post here, and
hopefully you will be available to kindly help me

[Edited at 2012-02-02 19:19 GMT]
Ali Alsaqqa Feb 2, 2012
Trados support changing target language of a .TTX file Worked [quote]Jerzy Czopik wrote: Open the TTX file in
Notepad. Localise the entry TargetLanguage and
remove anything between the quotes behind, leaving
it like this TargetLanguage="" Save t
Ali Alsaqqa Feb 2, 2012
Trados support changing target language of a .TTX file .. When I open the .ttx with Arabic (Saudi Arabia) as
the target language, I note that some segments are
pre-translated. I do not know why does this happen
while I choose no TMs at all in the
Ali Alsaqqa Feb 2, 2012

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