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Thread poster: Rocky Stone
Local time: 23:03
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向霍金致敬! Mar 24, 2018

QHE wrote:

David Shen wrote:

Random Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence




AI debate: Remembering Stephen Hawking's warning (✝ in Memoriam)

Success in creating effective AI, could be the biggest event in the history of our civilization. Or the worst. We just don't know. So we cannot know if we will be infinitely helped by AI, or ignored by it and side-lined, or conceivably destroyed by it.

Unless we learn how to prepare for, and avoid, the potential risks, AI could be the worst event in the history of our civilization. It brings dangers, like powerful autonomous weapons, or new ways for the few to oppress the many. It could bring great disruption to our economy.

- At the Web Summit in Lisbon

Elon Musk at SXSW
Tesla and SpaceX boss Elon Musk has doubled down on his dire warnings about the danger of artificial intelligence.




David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:03
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《福兮祸兮,A. I. 再议》 Mar 25, 2018


Fargoer wrote:


Comparative Literature:
1. 中国古人的妄想,只是让自己可以变成蝴蝶,悠哉游哉,什么都不做,即“无为”。
2. 现代人们的妄想,是想让机器或AI等变成人,效益倍增,什么都想做,谓“壮志”。

E.g. 1. “庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶,望帝春心托杜鹃.”——李商隐
E.g. 2. “在中国,用人工智能来改变世界!” ——刘庆峰

Ref. 清人张潮写的《幽梦影》里有这一警句:

而现在我们要让 AI 或机器人来做这做那,把思考的功能(即权力)也交给它,不知是福是祸。若干年后,如还有人会写这类评论的话,他可能会这么写:

“AI 为人类所开发,AI 之幸也;人类为 AI 所操纵,人类之不幸也。”

Further Reading:庄周梦蝶/75300

Fargoer wrote:
QHE wrote:
David Shen wrote:
Random Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence





Guess what? I found something from Dr. Hawking

[Edited at 2018-03-25 01:10 GMT]

I just posted the above because Fargoer's words reminded me of a drama Butterfly Dreams 《蝴蝶梦•大劈棺》 jointly directed by the Taiwan Director 胡金铨 and a 徐教授 from 上海戏剧学院,a Cultural Exchange Program at UC Santa Cruz back in the spring of 1990, for which I was the translator and interpreter of the entire production. The students of their Dept. of Performing Arts as well as the Chinese directors had a wonderful time during the two months of rehearsal, and the final stage debut was a success!

The outline of the play:
The human race goes from a slower pace to an increasingly faster pace, from sanity to near insanity, and finally, while he tested the loyalty of his wife by playing dead, Zhuangzi wonders if he is indeed a butterfly or the moth is him.

Somehow, “人在一定的环境下会理智地走向疯狂” echos to me, that's why I wrote the above. After further reading down the link, I am surprised to find that Dr. Hawking, the scientist who just passed away, had also mentioned this story back in 2016:


英国著名物理学家宇宙之王霍金博文(2016年4月28日 10:00 来自 微博

Thank you for all of your fascinating comments and questions! I appreciate the opportunity to correspond with my friends on Weibo.

A question from the comments:
"There is a story about an ancient Chinese philosopher, Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi dreamt of becoming a butterfly. And he wondered if he was a man who dreamt of being a butterfly or a butterfly that dreamt of being a man. Prof. Hawking, how do we know if we are living in our dreams or reality?”

Thank you for your question! Zhuangzi dreamt of being a butterfly - perhaps because he was a man who loved freedom. I might dream of the universe and then wonder if the universe dreamt of me. To answer your question how do we know if we are living in our dreams or reality - well, we just don't and perhaps can't! At least not until we start to understand more about consciousness and the universe. We must keep striving for an understanding of the fundamental questions of existence. And then perhaps we will know whether the butterfly - and the universe - are real or just in our dreams. -SH

What a coincidence! 真是无巧不成书,看样子这一帖可成书了!

[Edited at 2018-03-25 01:20 GMT]

[Edited at 2018-03-25 01:28 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 00:03
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Evil Robot Sophia wants to destroy Humans Mar 25, 2018

Local time: 23:03
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庄生与群蝶 Mar 25, 2018

David Shen wrote:




David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:03
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人工智能 AI 利弊辩论 Views & Debates on Artificial Intelligence (continued) Mar 28, 2018

有个专门让人们对 人工智能 的利弊做辩论的英文网站

And back in China:

Just want to know:


谁能保证它 AI 就只会心甘情愿地做大象呢?说不定是金角、银角、牛魔王呢!

Just as much as simple ants can never comprehend the current societal and economic dilemmas of human beings, our society will soon reach the point where we would be likened to those ants, and ASI would be likened to a human being but with intelligence greater by a thousand-fold. Since there is absolutely no scientific evidence, to this day, on how we would exactly limit this accelerating and recursive self improvement of Artificial Intelligence, a simple idea of a "benefit to mankind" may be farfetched and shallow.

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:03
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What's behind all those Chinese-speaking robocalls? May 18, 2018


Carol Wolf 2 hrs ago


Robocall scams have found new prey. The latest aim at the Chinese immigrant population by preying on their fears about their status in the U.S.

English speakers who get the calls have no idea what's being said. But Mandarin speakers who answer would hear news that their immigration status may be in jeopardy.

The scam goes something like this: A Mandarin speaker tells the individual that this call is from the Chinese consulate. The person is told the consulate has an important document that must be picked up. That document could affect her status in the U.S. She should press any key to get more information.

After pressing a key, a live scammer comes on the line, and the individual is told she has been connected to anything from money laundering to tax fraud or other crimes. To resolve the situation, money must be wired to a Hong Kong bank.

For the complete story:


[Edited at 2018-05-18 16:56 GMT]

This is the time when interpreters and translators are not needed. It's better to be kept in the dark! 😁

[Edited at 2018-05-18 17:03 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 00:03
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谢谢提醒 May 18, 2018

David Shen wrote:


The scam goes something like this: A Mandarin speaker tells the individual that this call is from the Chinese consulate. The person is told the consulate has an important document that must be picked up. That document could affect her status in the U.S. She should press any key to get more information.

After pressing a key, a live scammer comes on the line, and the individual is told she has been connected to anything from money laundering to tax fraud or other crimes. To resolve the situation, money must be wired to a Hong Kong bank.

最近我也接到过几次这样的电话。对方自称是中国驻美总领馆,但显示的电话区号却属于奥斯汀,所以我一看就知道是诈骗。不过,我按了一下按钮,想警告他们别再来骚扰,但对方始终没人接电话。大概他们觉得我太穷,没多少油水,就失去了兴趣。 其背景声音很嘈杂,似乎是有人在旁边说话或看电视。


pkchan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:03
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正能量:大费城地区呼吁中美互利双赢 Positive Energy: Greater Philadelphia Area Calls May 18, 2018



Google Translate:

Consul General Zhang pointed out that maintaining a good Sino-U.S. relationship is in the fundamental interest of the two countries and their peoples. At present, Sino-U.S. relations have encountered some difficulties. However, the more difficult it is, the more confident it is. We must see that Sino-U.S. friendship is the mainstream, and the common interests of the two countries are far greater than differences. Cooperation is the only correct choice. The essence of Sino-U.S. economic and trade cooperation is mutual benefit and win-win, and it has brought tangible benefits to both peoples. Some people in the United States only look at trade without mentioning investment. They only look at a few kinds of goods instead of talking about service trade. It is "only see trees not seeing the forest." Trade is not a zero-sum game. The only correct way to solve the trade friction between China and the United States is to make the cooperative cake bigger and make more tastes. China does not want to have a trade war with the United States.

Lian Pang
Lian Pang  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:03
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不会退让 May 19, 2018

遇到过一些MT post-editing的活儿,那机器翻译的效果放眼望去貌似很不错,可坐下来一看,文法、用词、语义都乱七八糟,很多都需要彻底重修,编辑起来还不如我直接翻译来得快。有的客户想节省成本采用了机翻,实际上适得其反。

我只做过一次MT post-editing,然后发誓再也不做了。况且,我何必为了那两个钱去教会机器更好地取代我呢?


ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 00:03
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MT post-editing 的实质 May 21, 2018

Lian Pang wrote:

遇到过一些MT post-editing的活儿,那机器翻译的效果放眼望去貌似很不错,可坐下来一看,文法、用词、语义都乱七八糟,很多都需要彻底重修,编辑起来还不如我直接翻译来得快。有的客户想节省成本采用了机翻,实际上适得其反。

我只做过一次MT post-editing,然后发誓再也不做了。况且,我何必为了那两个钱去教会机器更好地取代我呢?


MT post-editing 的实质就是让你以 editing 的价格干 translating 的活。客户用机器翻译,一分钟内就可翻几万字。我也会呀。凭什么他拣西瓜,我拣芝麻?真正花功夫的就是 post-editing。你说的“编辑起来还不如我直接翻译来得快”,是许多人的共同体验。“发誓再也不做” editing/proofreading 才是聪明人!

许多名义上是由人翻出来的稿件,实际上还是用机器翻译后略加编辑的产物。乍一看,也是“貌似很不错”,但当你仔细看起来,就是“文法、用词、语义都乱七八糟”。所以,除非是由我的固定搭档或我所了解之人翻译的稿件,我一般都不做 editing/proofreading。有一次,一位 PM 找我做 editing,我说我已经不做 editing 了。她说,你的 CV 上明明写着你做 editing,现在为什么不做?我说我很忙,如果你一定要我做,价格将会很高。她就让我报价。我报的价格接近于我的翻译价。她为了赌气就接受了此价。

Renquan Yang
Renquan Yang  Identity Verified
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机器翻译杂谈 Jul 23, 2018


... See more









Renquan Yang
Renquan Yang  Identity Verified
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国内人工智能技术 Jul 23, 2018


David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:03
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To translate or not to translate? Jul 25, 2018

phdvet2001 wrote:




有 志 从 业 仔 细 听, 此 地 不 少 过 来 人。
翻 译 本 是 苦 行 僧, 笔 译 寂 寞 口 译 紧。
名 嘴 爆 红 偶 然 见, 功 名 利 禄 天 上 星。
机 译 大 势 已 压 境, 译 文 贱 如 番 茄 藤。
倘 若 所 学 难 立 身, 十 年 寒 窗 窗 外 扔。
发 财 受 宠 没 几 人, 哪 行 有 饭 那 求 生。
智 者 应 知 己 之 长, 别 怪 此 生 入 错 门。
西 人 从 来 不 纠 结, 转 行 如 转 走 马 灯。

And to keep translating, you are racing against guys who know your language very well, like this one in or near Seattle:


I think most of us would agree to what he said here:
“知识都是可以学习的,如果你坚持得比别人久,那么最终一定会有所收获。最后,好的身体是一切的基础,希望后辈们从年轻就开始锻炼。” (2017)

But he has not mentioned 感情&灵感 是否也“都是可以学习的”。If these properties of the human mind are too much yet for the machines, than that is where you, the young translator should focus on when rendering your translation, because at this point in time, only you can see things in a sentence that a machine can not see.

Besides that:

世 间 行 业 数 百 计, 行 行 作 业 有 艰 辛。
译 者 一 辈 子 人 生, 却 享 两 辈 子 文 明。
任 它 机 译 全 球 行, 完 全 取 代 不 可 能。
人 类 学 识 如 此 深, 机 不 谙 情 人 有 灵。
待 到 冷 铁 带 感 情, 再 与 它 来 论 灵 魂。
But until than:
有 志 继 续 做 翻 译, 老 沈 有 一 联 相 赠:

【为 因 此 外 无 余 地 | 恰 好 其 间 起 小 楼】

作 者 名 叫 纪 大 复, 乾 嘉 时 期 上 海 人。

为因此外无余地,恰好其间起小楼。半樵 纪大复(1762-1831),号迷航外史。

[Edited at 2018-07-25 16:30 GMT]


微軟說機器翻譯已經達到媲美人類的程度 16 Mar

[Edited at 2018-07-26 05:11 GMT]

Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:03
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最近做了两个editing工作 Jul 27, 2018


David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:03
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Are we sharing the cost of a better machine translation? Jul 27, 2018


Zhoudan wrote:


Zhoudan wrote:
第二个活是中译英,...... 看了一大半我才明白全部是机器翻译的 ...... 修改起来很费劲,我跟客户实说了,费用比预算高出三分之一。...... 搞不懂这是客户在做试验还是无良翻译员干的。




机 译 狂 割 蕃 茄 藤,
再 收 笔 译 来 校 审。
料 理 装 盘 求 善 价,
端 上 桌 面 当 春 笋。


[Edited at 2018-07-27 20:00 GMT]

[Edited at 2018-07-28 04:39 GMT]

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